Course curriculum

  • 01
    Year 2 Curriculum
    Show Content
    • Study guide for the videos lessons and book
    • Book - Closing the Gap with Chum Kiu
    • Correct Footwork
    • Chum Kiu Posture and Energy 1
    • Chum Kiu Posture and Energy 2
    • Chum Kiu - Full Form
    • Chum Kiu - Tok Sau / Pak Sau / Palm Strike
    • Chum Kiu - Punch to Fak Sau to Jum Sau
    • Chum Kiu (middle section) - Lan Sau to Kick, 2 applications
    • Chum Kiu - Tai Kuen / Huen to Jing Cheong / Gum Sau
    • Chum Kiu
    • Kicks - Pre-Dummy
    • Chi Sheung Sau and two techniques
    • Chi Sau with Partner
    • Chi Sau - Building your skill level
    • Chi Sau - The Theory
    • Muk Yan Jong - Section 1
    • Muk Yan Jong - Section 2
    • Muk Yan Jong - Section 3
    • Dummy Application - Lesson 1
    • Dummy Application - Lesson 2
    • Dummy Application - Lesson 3
    • Dummy Application - Lesson 4
    • Dummy Application - Lesson 5
    • Dummy Application - Lesson 6
    • Wooden Dummy
    • Biu Jee Form - Part 1
    • Biu Jee Form - Part 2